Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How did he get there?!

Maybe I need to be sick more often. I WAS going to change his diaper, but I sprawled on the floor in pain and misery instead. I got a wonderful view from down here. I discovered that this little guy fends for himself now. He rolls so fast across the room to get a toy; and, if it is shiny enough, he points the pompis (bottom) upward and inches forward. Yes, he crawls!

Hyrum!! Why do you take his toys just as he is about to reach them?

Get your hands off my face, please!!

Ha ha! All mine!

BIG Red Now!

He's not even a year old yet and he is already down to my knees(length wise when I carry him, of course). I bet I look like Amaya when she struggles to carry her giant baby.

Big Sister

She can't get enough of him! Niether can I.

Remembering Spring time!

"You're not really going to eat that are you!" Can you tell by the siblings' expressions that this is exactly what they are thinking?

All His Doing!

I told you so!

So here he is some months younger than today, but I think it is hilarious to watch him scoot with a crinkle and a clank, as he drags all my things to say hi at the amazing camera! He gets into everything! And, he especially likes my corner of hidden treasures...not so hidden to him anymore!

Amy the photographer

She is quite excellent in the things she does. Love my "Squeak." Such a wonderful help!


This one was a while ago, but it captures his silly little self. Typically, diapers in the morning are quite loaded!