So, during lunch, Amaya and I were talking about the temple. I told her that she could get a family of her own at the temple. Then I proposed that we should go to the temple in our "caro rojo" sometime soon. Well, she gobbled up her food and was ecstatic (she squeaked those happy squeaks she squeaks when she can't contain her excitement). How do I tell my little girl that she will have to grow up first before she can get a "familia?" Well, we took advantage of Elder Reidhead's farewell to spend some time outside the temple at least. The babies love the temple already and they unknowingly have a tiny testimony that there is something magically real that happens there! I love to see the temple...I'm going there someday!
It turned out to be a beautiful bright Sunday, with puffy clouds hanging in the sky and us making it to Church on time. Even the 31 year old -stained with age- blessing suit decided to cooperate. It happily turned white after I saturated it with "Shout," rubbed my knuckles raw, and pleaded much on Saturday evening.
The babe was bathed and dressed by his Papi early Sunday morning; and this is what truly sparked a Papi and baby connection that morning. Later, the beautiful blessing experience cemented the bond for eternity. Baby Hyrum Ether Hatch was still and well behaved during the entire blessing and the entire Church block actually.
After Church we mingled with Nana, Grampa, Ivy, Abuelita, and tia Caro. Boy did Nana (our photographer) have a fun time trying to catch a smile from Papi. He makes pictures fun to look at (eyes are always in a daze or in the middle of a blink, lips are puckered trying to hold in any escaping smirk, and the whole face and body try to pose as serious as possible). Nevertheless, his goofy, cute, lovable self still shines through regardless!
This rainbow appeared in our back yard a while ago (when the first rains of winter started). I just loved Amaya's perspective on such a magical occurance. When I pointed it out she dashed to her closet to put on her clothes, shoes, and jaket all on her own (mind you that she is usually always naked, every day of the week, unless I am constantly covering her back up). Nevertheless, she was all ready to go. As she stepped out the back door and gazed up into heaven, she said... "Wee Mami, please!" At that moment I wished I could have sprinkled some magical pixie dust to assist her in her adventure. I could definitely picture a Squeaker sliding down the rainbow over and over again shouting and giggling "Weeee!"
Here is the wonderful little house that unfortunately did not withstand the fire. At least it stood for a minute or two. Leave it to Isa to roast the gingerbread houses! Next time we will have to build the house more up to "code."
I would have surely cluttered the family blog if I had posted all these pictures all at one time, but fortunately Elisabeth helped me with my own. I just want to share our growing baby Hum with all who would get happy fuzzies at viewing him. So, here he is.
P.S. I'm loving getting to know every angle and every expression that makes him Hyrum.
Well, the big pollitos love to pat and love their baby pollito. Baby Hum loves their attention also. "Nice baby Hyrum," says Amaya. "Nigh bebi Hi-um" says Enoch. With sticky fingers and all, they chant "all done!" and plunge out of their high chairs to greet their tiny friend, first thing after breakfast.
Enoch just happened to stop to pose for a picture when I excaimed that he looked so handsome in his "corbata" (tie). He was more proud when I repeated over and over that he was just like Papi, and then Papi walked out of his room showing off his tie too.
Day 12: Hyrum screams when he wakes up alone in his crib, but immediately becomes silent when Mami carries him over to where all the action is. It seems as if though all of our comotion (especially his siblings' sqeaks and giggles) is his absolute peace and tranquility.
Welcome to our familia baby Hum. Enoch can't pronounce the r or s in words so when we brought little Hyrum Ether home, Enoch exclaimed his baby brother to be baby "Hum." The name is sticking thus far (except Jonathan calls his baby boy Mr. Hum).
We were in the labor and delivery room four hours when finally at 11:05 p.m. on December 26, 2008 little pollito #3 broke out of his egg! He weighed 7 lbs 7 oz, all limbs accounted for, healthy and alert, and wearing a purple hickey on his wrist that he brought upon himself from within his "egg."